Where is Michel de Broin?, Anne Schreiber
Art Net Magazine
(1) Who are you?
Michel de Broin. I am what I am concentrating on.
(2) Why are you making art?
To say “I make art”, I should have a definite idea about what art is and be able to reproduce this idea – as if I was a machine with a specific purpose. I would rather say, “art is making me”. Art affects and transforms me.
(3) What does your art refer to?
Each work is constructed in relation to its context. Since the context is always changing, I can’t give a general answer to this question.
(4) Who needs your art?
There is no necessity. The conspiracy is to spread the doubt about what is established in order to create the necessity for this new thing and then make it to become real.
(5) What is the purpose of your art?
As a strategy, I often intensify the function to show its absurdity, but I see art as what frees itself from any function or intention.
(6) Who is interested in your art?
I find it difficult to talk about what I do as “my” art, generally said. If someone is interested in something, it belongs to him or her.
(7) What does your art change?
Change is understood as something positive, but we should consider that what we call change as a natural process participates in a progressive and irreversible degradation of resources, slowly forwarding us to an inexorable end. In that sense, it is probably better to not be held responsible for too much change.
(8) Is your art beautiful?
Beauty is a difficult thing. People enjoy what they understand. The task is to share which I don’t intend. The difficulty is to create a solitary instant of beauty and to communicate it.
(9) Which question do you miss here?
Art exists beyond the boundaries of the “individual”; it is always in a relation. I, therefore, miss senseful questions.