2024.11.30 au 2025.11.30
I’m presenting some sculptures from the Tubulus and Syndrome series for the Experience Pommery #18 exhibition in Reims. The exhibition will last about a year.
Exhibition curator: Fabrice Bousteau
Opening January 21 at Maison Pommery.
This is a series of bronze sculptures that I like to think of as a collection of portraits – if I’d been a pipeline. The biomorphic forms recall the organic origins of oil, while their sensual curves embody resistance, dispersing the energy of the viscous flows that pass through them and forming complex, self-coiling structures. At the crossroads of industrial infrastructure and anthropomorphic organic forms, these sculptures reveal our deep entanglement with the systems that sustain modern life. By diverting regular flows into labyrinths of entangled curves, they expose the complexity of our dependence, transforming the efficiency of distribution into a resistance turned in on itself.
Thanks to curator Fabrice Bousteau, Nathalie Vranken, Galerie Trépanier Baer and the entire Pommery Champagnes team.